Marist High School held its 56th annual commencement exercises on Thursday, May 19, 2022, sending off an accomplished class of 402 young men and women.
The class valedictorian, Brian Winstead, addressed the class. The salutatorian was National Merit Finalist Kelly Hughes, who was able to offer the opening prayer. Learn more about the two graduates here. Mark J. Viz and Brae Uy Sanchez were also National Merit Commended Students. Marist boasted 53 Illinois State Scholars, representing the top 10% of seniors in the state. Numerous students were named ACT scholars, Advanced Placement Scholars, and received prestigious awards and scholarships.
The graduates continued to build Marist’s strong academic reputation. They sent out 3,735 college applications to 405 colleges and universities across the country. Graduates will be on the campuses of the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, Howard University, Duke University, American University, and Pennsylvania State University to name a few.
In addition to the Big Ten schools throughout the Midwest matriculating an impressive number of our graduates, this class has extended their talents across 26 states, even internationally to Trinity College Dublin, will be represented in several local trade unions and will be enlisting in the United States military. Class member Billy Quinn will attend Arizona State University on an NROTC scholarship and service in the U.S. Marines.
The Faculty Award, which is voted on by Marist teachers, honors students who embody the ideals of a Marist graduate in faith, service, and academics, and was given to Kelly Hughes and Gavin Quinn Murphy.
At the graduation ceremony, seniors were awarded Medals for Excellence and Next in Merit. The following is the list of recipients:
- The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN ENGLISH is presented to Faith Kristina Harper.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Kahlan Amelia Zwonitzer. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINE ARTS is presented to Katelyn M. Ulanowski.
NEXT IN MERIT goes Georgia E. DeRousse. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATHEMATICS is presented to Brae Uy Sanchez.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Brian Winstead. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMING ARTS is presented to Emma M. Karczewski.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Donna Bruinius. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES is presented to Nathaniel Missey.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Kathryn Pawlecki. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE is presented to Brae Uy Sanchez.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Grace Ellen Misiunas. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN SOCIAL STUDIES is presented to Kelly Hughes.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Mark J. Viz II. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN TECHNOLOGY is presented to Bridget Danaher.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Charles F. Kalousek. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN WORLD LANGUAGE is presented to Kelsey Mae Grzymski.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Maeve Kathleen Maloney.

Bridget Danaher, Kellen O’Keefe, and Brian Soto were awarded the Chick Evans Scholarship. Class members garnered more than $52 million in college scholarships, and 99% of our graduating class will be attending a college, university or junior college.
At the heart of their Marist experience was spiritual growth. While some programs were curtailed due to the pandemic, the class participated in grade level retreats throughout their four years, service projects, and liturgical celebrations and Sacraments.
Athletically, individuals and teams were strong performers. Teams garnered conference, regional, sectional, and state titles, as well as broke a number of school records, some dating back 38 years. Forty-one students athletes will continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level.
After the bell rang each day, these seniors participated in clubs and activities, sharing their leadership and expertise with the school community. Marist seniors were leaders on the math team, which finished ninth in state overall and 1st in Catholic Schools in Illinois. Members of the school newspaper advanced and placed in the IHSA journalism finals, with three students being recognized in state. Additionally, the ASPA awarded Marist its 11th consecutive first place award in our division in its national newspaper competition for 2022 and also received the Most Outstanding Private School Newspaper Award for 2022. Student council members planned a variety of events and activities throughout the year. The theater guild produced a fall drama of three one act plays and a spring musical of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” which performed to packed houses each performance. The band and choir performed in spring concerts and the choir was able to highlight its seniors with special senior recital.
Below is a list of our 402 Graduates:
Ak’Tavion Agee |
Joseph M. Alfano |
Grace Ann Allocco |
Collin M. Amsden |
Antonio Jerome Antonelli |
Domenic Anzalone |
Kristen Araujo |
Olivia Rose Arp |
Chloe Arteaga |
Catherine Marie Ayala |
Nicholas Baker |
Jaeda Rickaya Baldwin |
Rocco Bartolini |
Isabelle Ellen Beaver |
Daniel Becerra |
Liam Bennett |
Albert Henry Bernhardt IV |
Rocco Bettinardi |
George M. Bilecki |
Alexis Blackburn |
Anthony Blasco |
Joshua Grant Blomberg |
Madison C. Bodin |
Emily Bojan |
Thomas Francis Boland III |
Kathleen Boyle |
Maureen Bradley |
Benjamin B. Brooks |
Kylie Brosius |
Luke G. Bruin |
Donna Bruinius |
Mary Clare Brusek |
Delaney Marie Budewitz |
John T. Bullington |
Delaney Patricia Bullington |
Aidan C. Burke |
Chloe Morgan Campbell |
Haley C. Campbell |
Jacob Canchola |
Jack A. Cantorna |
William P. Carey |
Gavin Michael Carey |
Matthew Philip Carollo |
Marc Anthony Carreon |
Natalia Castillo |
Rayne Ann Cavé |
Lily Ceretto |
Ethan R. Chausse |
Brendan Chesniak |
Kira Chivers |
Alana Chonillo |
Maggie Lynn Ciara |
Timothy Clancy |
Conor Charles Clancy |
Margaret Kathryn Clifton |
Mallorie Ellen Clifton |
Anastasia Susan Coleman |
Julianna A. Coleman |
Camille Ashley Collins |
Samuel Joseph Colón |
Sean Michael Condon |
Kennedy Rose Conrad |
Anthony William Consiglio |
Rylee M. Conway |
Conor Cooke |
Erika Isabel Cortes |
Andrew Cortesi |
Keira Aileen Cotter |
Mary Kate Coughlan |
Terence A. Cox |
Michael Coy |
Jaelynn Crawford |
Ivana Crnjac |
Bridget E. Danaher |
Jack S. Davies |
Eriyan Danielle Davis |
Anna Deiters |
Georgia E. DeRousse |
Benett Detampel |
Jenesia Diaz |
Naya Diaz |
Nathan Diaz |
Ryan Michael Diddia |
Domenic F. DiIulio |
Brooke Dilger |
Ella Rose Dill |
Tylar Lauren Dillard |
Brendan James Dillon |
Arden James Dix |
Maya Donegan |
Mary Stephanie Dorgan |
Laila Dorsey |
Liam T. Dougherty |
Sebastian Drag |
Madison Linnea Drebing |
Joseph John Dunbar |
Owen Dunlap |
Michael Gerard Eberhardt |
Abby Eberly |
Joseph Patrick Egan IV |
Molly F. Eklund |
Matthew James Elenteny |
Mary Kathleen Englehart |
Tess Mary Enright |
John Desmond Enright |
Daniel Patrick Enright |
Kyley Ann Eppenstein |
Pablo Escalante |
Jenifer Esparza |
Luis M. Esparza III |
John Dennis Esselman |
Gage K. Fauber |
Katelyn Finley |
Erin Elizabeth Finn |
Riley Rose Flavin |
Casey R. Flynn |
Skylar Carin Flynn |
Ryan Edward Flynn |
Lillian Grace Fransen |
Kaylee Paige Frederking |
Alexis Alaura Frenkel |
Kacey Elizabeth Gaida |
Owen T. Gainer |
Elise Gamino |
Benjamin Gasiorek |
Nicholas A. Gazda |
Magdalena Gazda |
Scott M. Geary |
Brendan Matthew Geary |
Elizabeth Kay Gibbons |
Grace Brianne Gierhahn |
Patsy Gillerlain |
Thomas Bartholomew Giltmier |
Jessica Mia Goggin |
Michael Connor Golden |
Samantha Elizabeth Gomez |
Julia Rose Gonzalez |
Gianna Gordon |
Isabella Estell Gorney |
Eric Grajeda |
Gianna Granat |
Daniel William Grant |
Grace Greene |
Liam Grib |
Gary D. Grizzard |
Kelsey Mae Grzymski |
Carsyn Taylor Gudino |
Devin Guest |
Kayla Marie Guinn |
Paulina Gutierrez |
Elizabeth Marie Gutrich |
Michael P. Guzaitis |
Francesca Filomena Hammerstein |
Faith Kristina Harper |
Kate Harring |
Le’lani Ce’erra Harris |
Jayson Harris-Woodard |
Keira Catherine Hayes |
Shannon Grace Heitschmidt |
Erin Casey Helsdingen |
Madeline Rose Hermann |
Kate Elisabeth Hermanson |
Dermot W. Hickey |
Emma Higgins-Marfise |
Ella Morgan Hiler |
Kelly Hughes |
Alexander Huntley |
Declan Patrick Hurless |
Gianna Marie Uy Ibrado |
Sarah Elizabeth Immordino |
Juan A. Jacinto |
Rebecca M. Jackson |
Dontrell Rashad Jackson Jr. |
Richard Jackson Jr. |
Kaitlin Elizabeth Jaycox |
Trevor P. Jennings |
Destiny Johnson |
Lila Johnson |
Jaylen Johnson |
Aiden Johnson |
Charles F. Kalousek |
Sara Marie Kaluzny |
Emma M. Karczewski |
Caitlyn Marie Kawa |
Victoria Kearney |
Delaney Mary Debra Keenan |
Maeve Kelly |
Liam Michael Kelly |
Brian J. Kelly |
Grace Marie Kennedy |
Andrew J. Kerlin |
Brianna Rose Kilcoyne |
Ethan Kinney |
Daniel Komosa |
Andrew Kopinski |
Matthew William Koren |
Elias Krupa |
Daniel J. Krzysiak |
Trevon D. Landingham |
Allison Langford |
Alejandro Lara |
Samuel G. Laurencell |
John Michael Lavin |
Wyatt Michael Levins |
Luke Lisiecki |
Silvana Sofia Llobet |
Justin Loera |
Bart A. Looney |
John Gavin Lundy |
Margaret MacFarlane |
Emelia A. Malfas |
Molly Katherine Malloy |
Maeve Kathleen Maloney |
Luke Malzone |
Alexis Marinopoulos |
Jesse Marshall |
Cydney Martinez |
Diana Martinez |
Francisco Fabian Martinez |
Abigail Martinkus |
Mitchell Martino |
Joseph E. Marx |
Haley J. Master |
Sean Patrick Maxwell |
Clifford N. Mayer |
Courtney E. Mayo |
Thomas Michael McAuliffe III |
Emily Elizabeth McCartan |
Nora McClorey |
Sancia McCullar |
Cencere McDaniel |
Emily McDermott |
Amarion McDonald |
Alyssa Lynise McDonald |
Elizabeth M. McGeehan |
Daniel McGuire |
Collin McGuire |
Faith M. McNamara |
Samuel McNamara |
Nora McNicholas |
William McNicholas |
Brooke Kaylie McNichols |
Lukas James McWilliams |
Paris Noel Mendoza |
Andrew Messineo |
Grace Victoria Messing |
Joanne Kathryn Micetich |
Jordan Marilynn Mighty |
Andrew John Millies |
Tyler J. Mishka |
Grace Ellen Misiunas |
Nathaniel Missey |
Miara Cheyenne Mitchem |
Lauryn Michelle Moloney |
Grace Katherine Moloney |
Emma Rose Mooncotch |
Monica Veronica Mozdzen |
McKenzy Mary Mueller |
Sophia Lizette Munguia |
Julian Munoz |
Daniel Patrick Murphy |
Declan Murphy |
Martin Murphy |
Gavin Quinn Murphy |
James St. Jude Murphy |
Jordyn L.A. Murry |
Samantha Marie Muth |
Donald Mutzbauer |
Asia Neals |
Sean M. Nellis |
Patrick J. Nellis |
Andrea Marie Nelson |
Destiny Nichols |
Margaret Mary Nitsche |
Anne M. Nolan |
Estevan Jesus Nuno |
Quinn Patrick O’Boyle |
Emmett O’Brien |
Kayla Rose O’Brien |
Tyler James O’Brochta |
Audrey O’Connor |
Grace O’Connor |
Hannah M. O’Connor |
Molly Marie O’Connor |
Princess Offord |
Eamon Brian O’Hara |
Joseph E. O’Heir |
Kellen O’Keefe |
Kaitlin Olsen |
Emmett James O’Malley |
Conor Nagle O’Mara |
Goriola Onimole |
Sofia Ortega |
Kathy Pacheco |
Mia Janae Padilla |
Natalie Palmer |
Lucas J. Panozzo |
Nicole Parzygnat |
Kathryn Pawlecki |
Andrew J. Perz |
Jacob Phillips |
Jessie D. Polanco |
Lucas Polovina |
Natalie Polzin |
Mitchell Potocsnak |
Delaney Powers |
Eva F. Quebbeman |
William D. Quinn |
Abigail E. Quinn |
Kyle Matthew Quinn |
Ghee Rachal |
Stuart Joseph Radz |
Luis Ramirez |
Logan Ramos |
Brian Ratajczak |
Brendan M. Rayl |
Kathleen Irene Reidy |
Nicholas Relf |
Gianna Richy |
Joshua Judge Rickette |
Nathaniel Andrew Rickey |
Marc Anthony Rivera |
Hannah Robinson |
Eric Rocha |
Mauricio A. Rodriguez |
James Rolder |
Paige M. Roney |
Aidan John Rosas |
Madison Runaas |
Daniel J. Ryan |
Gianna Sanchez |
Brae Uy Sanchez |
Sierra O. Sass |
Gregory Daniel Sawertailo |
Charlotte Sawicki |
Elizabeth Joan Schmidt |
Ashley Lauryn Schreader |
LaJean Scianna |
Lester Scott |
Faith Marie Sears |
Matthew J. Sheehan |
Kelly Sheehan |
Kaleigh Sheerin |
Mia Kathleen Shields |
Taylor Anne Sikorski |
Sophia Sikorski |
Kylie A. Sinal |
Olivia Emily Sipic |
Areyana Smith |
Aaron J. Smith |
Aidan Smith |
Bridget Catherine Smith |
Emily Ann Snarskis |
Madeline Grace Sombong |
Brian Soto |
Laurel Spatz |
Lily O’Brien Spreitzer |
Ava Grace Stercic |
Savannah Grace Stevens |
Caitlin Stokes |
Lillian S. Strzykalski |
Angelina Stupak |
Joshua Suarez |
Emmett Cahill Sullivan |
Savanah Marie Sutton |
Declan James Swistowicz |
Kennedy Tate |
Ashley M. Thrasher |
Emily Severa Toledo |
Orlando R. Torres |
Rachel Nicole Tribe |
Jaclyn E. Tucker |
Vincent F. Tuminello |
Katelyn M. Ulanowski |
Morgan Ulanowski |
Michael Ulleweit |
Bridget Urbon |
Claudia Isabel Valdivia |
Olivia Valente |
Charles Van Cleave |
Jacqueline Velasco-Ortueta |
Emilio Adam Velazquez |
Nicholas J. Verzoni |
Michael N. Vetos |
Vanessa Marie Vihnanek |
Mark J. Viz II |
Nathen Voss |
Matthew Walsh |
Cooper Walters |
Isabella Grace Washington |
Jessica L. Watts |
Brandon Weber |
William Whitaker |
Kevin T. Whittler |
Aydan Wilson |
Brian Winstead |
Ella Winters |
Jacob Witek |
Rose Wolfe-Halpern |
Thomas Michael Woulfe |
Kaitlyn Wright |
Kahlan Amelia Zwonitzer |