Students In An Average Class
Student – To – Faculty Ratio
Of Faculty Have Advanced Degrees
$ 3.8 M
In Financial Aid Distributions
Students Enrolled
Students In An Average Class
Student – To – Faculty Ratio
Of Faculty Have Advanced Degrees
$ 3.8 M
In Financial Aid Distributions
Students Enrolled
Students In An Average Class
Student – To – Faculty Ratio
Of Faculty Have Advanced Degrees
Educating in the Marist Tradition
Six decades of dedicated education, growth, and accomplishments have shaped our school into the extraordinary place it is today. We live to make Jesus known and loved. Since our doors opened in 1963, we have strived to provide not just an education, but an environment where spirituality, values, character, and excellence are nurtured.
In the News

Pursuing Excellence
Spirit-filled Members of Family & Community
Marist students embody a spirit which recognizes others, celebrates their unique gifts, and welcomes all.
Marks of a Marist Student
Marist students follow in the footsteps of Saint Marcellin Champagnat by making Jesus known and loved. In addition to supporting each student find what they will do, we focus on who the student will become by aligning faith, culture, and life. Through this complete education, students are challenged to think beyond themselves and pursue excellence to improve the lives of people and communities worldwide.
Faith-filled Disciples
Marist students come to possess a strong sense of God and a personal relationship with Jesus, Mary and Saint Marcellin fostered through religious formation, a sacramental life, and prayer.
Empowered Witnesses
Marist students, recognizing Mary as their model and companion, become witnesses to God’s love in their lives, enabling them to see Christ in others, to live simply, morally and with integrity, respecting all of life and creation.
Agents of Justice & Service
Marist students grow in their understanding of Catholic social teaching and stand in compassionate solidarity with those in need.
Servant Leaders
Marist students recognize that they are lovingly created by God with unique gifts and talents which, they are called to develop and share with those around them.
Spirit-filled Members of Family & Community
Marist students embody a spirit which recognizes others, celebrates their unique gifts, and welcomes all.
Marks of a Marist Student
Marist students follow in the footsteps of Saint Marcellin Champagnat by making Jesus known and loved. In addition to supporting each student find what they will do, we focus on who the student will become by aligning faith, culture, and life. Through this complete education, students are challenged to think beyond themselves and pursue excellence to improve the lives of people and communities worldwide.
Faith-filled Disciples
Marist students come to possess a strong sense of God and a personal relationship with Jesus, Mary and Saint Marcellin fostered through religious formation, a sacramental life, and prayer.
Empowered Witnesses
Marist students, recognizing Mary as their model and companion, become witnesses to God’s love in their lives, enabling them to see Christ in others, to live simply, morally and with integrity, respecting all of life and creation.
Agents of Justice & Service
Marist students grow in their understanding of Catholic social teaching and stand in compassionate solidarity with those in need.
Servant Leaders
Marist students recognize that they are lovingly created by God with unique gifts and talents which, they are called to develop and share with those around them.
Spirit-filled Members of Family & Community
Marist students embody a spirit which recognizes others, celebrates their unique gifts, and welcomes all.

Upcoming Events
Junior Ring Mass
Wed, 7pm - 8pm
School Musical
All day event
Late Start Schedule
All day event
Morning Mass
Thu, 7am - 8am
College Fair
Thu, 6pm - 8pm
Spring Break – No School
All day event
Province-Marist Youth Mission Conference (So)
All day event
Kairos – Boys
All day event
Late Start Schedule
All day event
Morning Mass
Thu, 7am - 8am
Our Graduates are Committed to Lifelong Learning