Marist High School held its 57th annual commencement exercises on Thursday, May 18, 2023, sending off an accomplished class of 387 young men and women.

The class valedictorian, Katherine Tracy, addressed the class. The salutatorian was Abigail Beeson, who was able to offer the opening prayer. Both girls are attending the University of Notre Dame in the fall.

Katie Tracy giving the Valedictorian Reflection.

Abby Beeson giving the Invocation.
Dominick Heidorn was a National Merit Scholarship Finalist. Sean Grobarcik, Moira McKee, and Alexander Smith were named National Merit Commended Students. Marist boasted 48 Illinois State Scholars, representing the top 10% of seniors in the state. Numerous students were named ACT scholars, Advanced Placement Scholars, and received prestigious awards and scholarships. The College Board National Recognition Program awarded eleven of our students, 7 of which were seniors. There are 40 student athletes competing in college and 3 Chick Evans Scholars.
The graduates continued to build Marist’s strong academic reputation. They sent out 3,084 college applications to 446 colleges and universities across the country. Graduates will be on the campuses of the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, Fordham University, Howard University, The Ohio State University and Yale University, to name a few.
This class will be represented in several local trade unions and three students will be enlisting in the United States military, as a part of the Coast Guard, the Navy and the Army: Matthew Anderzunas, Sam Gurgone and Ryan Lanigan.
There were eleven members in the Class of 2023 who had a perfect unweighted, cumulative GPA- meaning they earned an A in every class they ever took at Marist. The Class of 2023 came from 101 parishes or places of worship. They came to school every day from 18 different neighborhoods within the City of Chicago and from 17 different suburbs. There were 83 students who have a parent that is a first responder.
The Faculty Award, which is voted on by Marist teachers, honors students who embody the ideals of a Marist graduate in faith, service, and academics, and was given to Gina Czochara and Ismael Flores.
At the graduation ceremony, seniors were awarded Medals for Excellence and Next in Merit. The following is the list of recipients:
- The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN ENGLISH is presented to Dominick Heidorn.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Camille V. Jones. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINE ARTS is presented to Erin Julian.
NEXT IN MERIT goes Julie G. Barriga. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATHEMATICS is presented to Abigail Anne Beeson.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Dominick Heidorn. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMING ARTS is presented to Jordan Gianna Martin.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Evan Fox. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN RELIGIOUS STUDIES is presented to John Sanford O’Shea.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Natalie T. Goo. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE is presented to Alyssa Beth Chevalier.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Alexander Smith. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN SOCIAL STUDIES is presented to William Aglinskas Roman.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Madelyn Stack. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN TECHNOLOGY is presented to Walter Fleming.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Madelyn Stack. - The MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN WORLD LANGUAGE is presented to Kathya Grau.
NEXT IN MERIT goes to Angeline Esparza.

Ismael Flores, Shawn Hawthorne, and Emmett O’Connor were awarded the Chick Evans Scholarship. 99% of our graduating class will be attending a college, university or junior college.
At the heart of their Marist experience was spiritual growth. The class participated in retreats throughout their four years, service projects, and liturgical celebrations. Many seniors participated in the senior traditions of the Kairos retreat, where they deepened their faith and relationship with each other over a four days.
Athletically, individuals and teams were strong performers. Teams garnered conference, regional, sectional, and the Varsity Softball team earned a 4A State Championship title. Forty student athletes will continue their athletic careers at the collegiate level. Elise Ward was named to the All-State Academic Team, as well as the IBCA 2nd team. Daniel Olsen was an All-State Academic Honorable Mention.
After the bell rang each day, these seniors participated in clubs and activities, sharing their leadership and expertise with the school community. Marist seniors were leaders on the math team, which finished seventh in state overall and 1st in Catholic Schools in Illinois. The chess team finished ranked #2 in the Chicago chess conference and #7 in the state. Student council members planned a variety of events and activities throughout the year. The theater guild produced a fall drama and a spring musical of “Fiddler on the Roof” which performed at Morgan Park Academy. The band and choir performed in spring concerts and the choir was able to highlight its seniors with special senior recital. The band traveled to Ireland over Spring Break and marched in the 2023 Dublin St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
This class was not afraid to follow their passions and share their talents with the world. Alyssa Chevalier earned her spot in a week-long internship at the Brookfield Zoo. Shane Kavanagh became a published author by penning his first novel. Erin Julian and Kayleigh O’Brien each received multiple National Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Students traveled to France and Italian through an exchange with Marist schools in both countries. The newly created MHS Media had students attend the Scholastic Press Association of Chicago, with Camille Jones winning two awards. Marist hosted the first Celebration of Culture Night with many students participating in sharing their different cultures with displays, food, music, dancing and presentations.
Congratulations to the class of 2023! We Know you will make us proud!
Below is a list of our 387 Graduates:
First Name | Last Name |
Maya | Abusharif |
Natalia | Aguirre |
Marlen | Agustin |
Makayla | Alexander |
Luke | Allocco |
Emilio | Alvarado |
Grace | Anderson |
Nicholas | Anderson |
Matthew | Anderzunas |
Luka | Anoshenko |
Sarah | Aranda |
Giavanna | Arredia |
Alexia | Arteaga |
Alexis | Bacchus |
Bridget | Badke |
Rachel | Baker |
Julie | Barriga |
Theresa | Barrins |
Emily | Barry |
Brayden | Bartecki |
Maximus | Battistella |
Emilia | Batus |
Nolan | Baudo |
Harrison | Bayorgeon |
Pablo | Bear |
Abigail | Beeson |
Kevin | Benak |
Felicya | Benford |
Payton | Benoit |
Payton | Blisset |
Hanna | Bokowski |
Franco | Bonafilia |
Colin | Bonini |
Eamonn | Boyle |
Mary | Bresnahan |
Anastaiszcia | Britton |
Ryenne | Brown |
Nathaniel | Budz |
Nicholas | Bunda |
Caleb | Bunton |
Ava | Burns |
Jeffery | Butler |
Aaron | Camarena |
Marty | Canavan |
Emma | Canner |
Alexa | Cardenas |
Kevin | Cardinale |
Gloria | Carr |
Maeve | Carr |
Marissa | Carrillo |
Maeve | Carroll |
Olivia | Carter |
Giovanna | Casale |
Lupita | Castillo |
Megan | Cavanaugh |
Charles | Chaffee |
Sierra | Champliss |
Sydni | Champliss |
Kamryn | Chaney |
Christian | Chavez |
Juan | Chavez |
Alyssa | Chevalier |
Laura | Cintron |
George | Cleary |
Natalie | Clemens |
Sahan | Clements |
Riley | Cleveland |
Michael | Conway |
Olivia | Cook |
Daniel | Cortez |
Melanie | Cosme |
Caroline | Cotter |
Brooke | Crema |
Isabella | Crespo |
Andrew | Crisp |
James | Crowley |
Anthony | Cuda |
Isabel | Cunnea |
Kaitlin | Cupp |
Catherine | Curtin |
Clare | Curtin |
Kayla | Curtis |
Charlie | Cutrara |
Kara | Czerwinski |
Gina | Czochara |
Andrew | Dado |
Caroline | Danaher |
Sophia | Davidson |
Helen | Davros |
Maia | Dawczak |
Marlen | de la Riva |
Liam | Deacy |
Mary | Deane |
Frank | Denning |
Thays | Diaz |
Molly | Dignan |
Dennis | Dix |
Jenna | Doan |
Eileen | Donahue |
Michael | Donegan |
Daniel | Doran |
William | Dotson |
Holly | Doyle |
Matthew | Drag |
Colin | Drew |
Owen | Duffy |
Quinn | Duffy |
Hanna | Duh |
Alexis | Dunaway |
Clare | Dunneback |
Miles | Durkin |
Aidan | Dwyer |
Liam | Egan |
Cailey | Eklund |
Eileen | Elenteny |
Angeline | Esparza |
Louis | Evora |
Arthur | Fanelli |
Margaret | Farritor |
Viktor | Fernandez |
Gabriel | Fey |
Jake | Fialkowski |
Matteo | Filippo |
Jake | Finn |
Mia | Fiscelli |
Emma | Fishback |
Giovani | Fittipaldi |
Grace | Fitzmaurice |
Walter | Fleming |
Ismael | Flores |
Megan | Flynn |
Daniel | Fontaine |
Paul | Fortner |
Evan | Fox |
Abigail | Gallagher |
Grant | Gallardo |
Alexander | Gaona |
Ryan | Garza |
Samantha | Giglio |
Grace | Gniech |
Jazmin | Gomora |
Natalie | Goo |
Anthony | Granat |
Kathya | Grau |
Bryce | Griffin |
Charles | Griffin |
Sean | Grobarcik |
Gerardo | Guerrero |
Natalee | Guilfoyle |
Sam | Gurgone |
Grace | Guzolek |
John | Hackett |
Anthony | Haddad |
James | Hansen |
Matthew | Hansen |
Isabelle | Harmon |
Madison | Hartley |
Shawn | Hawthorne |
Dominick | Heidorn |
Cameryn | Helsdingen |
Joshua | Henderson |
Alex | Hernandez |
Jesus | Herrera |
Olivia | Herrera |
Andrew | Hinkes |
Hunter | Holley |
James | Hollowell |
Madelyn | Holmstrom |
Matthew | Houston |
Jamel | Howard |
Jordyn | Howell |
Aidan | Hudson |
Patrick | Hughes |
Demarco | Hunter |
Julian | Hurtado |
Ella | Ingram |
Rachel | Jendra |
Collin | Jennings |
Camille | Jones |
Claude | Jones Jr. |
Erin | Julian |
Victoria | Kapustianyk |
Shane | Kavanaugh |
Thomas | Kearney |
Avery | Keene |
Emmanuel | Kekempanos |
Kevin | Kelly |
Rose | Kelly |
Caera | Kennedy |
Zachary | Kirchner |
Kathryn | Klockow |
Caitlin | Kochan |
Paige | Kohlstedt |
Paul | Kosteris |
Rowan | Krammer |
Joseph | Kratzer |
Eugene | Krupinski |
Kathryn | Ksiezak |
Jack | Lamb |
Sophia | Lambros |
Justin | Lang |
Ryan | Lanigan |
Brigid | Larkin |
Alexandra | Larson |
Abbie | Leen |
Domenico | Lepore |
Eric | Lewis |
Jacob | Liberatore |
Lucas | Liberatore |
Ryan | Livingstone |
Carlos | Llanes |
Christopher | Lofgren |
Ashley | Lopez |
Jacqueline | Loughney |
Kyle | Lyke |
Grace | Lyons |
Riley | Magliano |
Joseph | Mahoney |
Riley | Mallo |
Mia | Maniatis |
Peter | Marinopoulos |
Samantha | Marrufo |
Jordan | Martin |
Patrick | Martin |
Jacob | Martineck |
Kylie | Martinez |
Sofia | Martinez |
Erica | Maya |
Olivia | Mazurski |
Jordan | McCullum-Chase |
Brendan | McDermott |
Moira | McKee |
Joseph | McKenna |
Reagan | McKeough |
Alyssa | McKinney |
Brian | McLoughlin |
John | McNamara |
James | McQuaid |
Benjamin | Meehan |
Madeline | Meehan |
Veronica | Melo |
Elizabeth | Mendoza |
Jessica | Micklin |
Aidan | Mirabella |
Jhonnae | Mixon |
Nora | Moore |
Za’Maya | Moore |
Nadia | Moreno |
Vincent | Moreno |
Calista | Mothershed |
Sara | Mullarkey |
Daniel | Munoz |
Roisin | Murnin |
Colin | Murphy |
Emerson Grace | Murphy |
Gavin | Murphy |
Guillermo | Navarrete |
Hailey | Nelson |
Isabelle | Nemeh |
John | Nestor |
Henry | Nguyen |
Rayna | Nichols |
Kevin | Nolan |
Matthew | Nolan |
Andrea | Nuno |
Tyler | Nutting |
Kayleigh | O’Brien |
Pauline Marie | Ochotorena |
Grace | O’Connell |
Maggie | O’Connell |
Emmett | O’Connor |
Joseph | O’Connor |
Joseph | O’Hara |
Grace | O’Keefe |
Brooke | O’Leary |
Daniel | Olsen |
Jake | Olsen |
Morgan | O’Malley |
Ryan | O’Malley |
Ufuomaoghene | Omene |
Traian | Ormindeanu |
Vincent | Orshonsky |
Daniel | Ortiz |
John | O’Shea |
Elizabeth | Pacheco |
Joseph | Parillo |
Carlos | Parker |
Noah | Pater |
Logan | Payne |
Lexi | Pena |
Shaylynn | Pieters |
Maia | Pietrzak |
Victoria | Pindelski |
Kylie | Pizza |
Jessica | Popiela |
Paige | Portincaso |
Jack | Prendergast |
Angelo | Provo |
Colleen | Quinn |
Alexander | Ramirez |
Maura | Ramirez |
Corey | Rashad |
Quinn | Richards |
Cara | Riney |
Elissa | Rizek |
Bryson | Roberts |
Joseph | Rodriguez |
Morgan | Rogers |
William | Roman |
Mason | Ross |
Gary | Roulo |
Elena | Ruzevich |
Emmet | Ryan |
Liam | Ryan |
Luke | Ryan |
Scott | Rybak |
Elizabeth | Rybarczyk |
Caleb | Santiago |
Morgan | Schaller |
Ethan | Scheel |
Mikayla | Schmitz |
Brendan | Schoeberl |
William | Schreck |
Nayeli | Scott |
Sarah | Scott |
Cayla | Secor |
Cal | Sefcik |
Owen | Senese |
Alexis | Shackelford |
Julia | Shalabi |
Anthony | Shanahan |
Allison | Sheehy |
Annie | Shields |
Ryan | Sims |
Cameron | Sinal |
Blake | Sloyan |
Alexander | Smith |
Reilly | Smith |
Dermot | Smyth |
Julia | Solcani |
Ava | Solis |
Rokas | Spencer |
Ava | Spreitzer |
Madelyn | Stack |
Jacob | Stefanos |
Kelly | Stevens |
Sarah | Straley |
Matthew | Suarez |
Moira | Sullivan |
Ava | Swistowicz |
Juliana | Tapia |
Nikita | Taylor |
Taylor | Thomas |
Nasir | Thompson |
Margot | Thorne |
Annie | Topa |
Katherine | Tracy |
Maia | Trevino |
Michael | Uldrych |
Samantha | Usterbowski |
Abbygayle | Vanderwarren |
Colin | Vincent |
Cristian | Viramontes |
Meer | Virji |
Jacob | Vogel |
Jack | Wade |
Francis | Wagner |
Jonathan | Wagner |
James | Wajda |
Nicholas | Waldrom |
Charles | Walker |
Maya | Warakomski |
Elise | Ward |
Joseph | Waszak |
Sophia | Weeden |
Isabella | Werosh |
Olivia | Whelan |
Kaden | White |
Tadon | Wilkins |
Isaiah | Williams |
Brigid | Withers |
Brendan | Wolff |
Emma | Wyman |
Nathan | Yurisich |
Victoria | Zdenovec |
Leah | Zlotkowski |
Alyssa | Zon |