
Marist Religious Studies Department teacher Br. Sam Amos, FMS (pictured with Br. Al Rivera) professed his perpetual vows as a Marist Brother during a Mass on Friday, October 23 at 3 p.m. at the school.
“My final vows signify that I am dedicating the rest of my life to following Jesus Christ as a religious Brother within the Congregation of the Marist Brothers,” Br. Sam explained. “It is my life-long commitment, analogous to marriage for married laypeople.”
The steps to making final vows for a religious Brother or sister include an initial stage of training called postulancy and then the novitiate period. Then, for five to seven years, the person is in temporary vows. This means each year he or she renews vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience for one year, and then at the end of that year either leaves or renews. This is meant to be a probationary period. Finally, at the end of temporary vows, final, life-long vows are made. Br. Sam started this whole process in 2013.
Br. Sam explained that the Marist Brothers’ ministry to young people to make Jesus Christ known and loved drew him to their congregation. “I also love the Brothers’ spirituality and way of being with each other,” he said. “They’re very warm and down-to-earth.”
During the course of his path to final vows Br. Sam said there were not big moments that convinced him he was truly called to this vocation, but rather it was the little things. “My everyday experience of teaching, working with young people, and living with my Brothers have cemented my desire to live out this life,” he explained. “I find my work, my life, and my spirituality very life-giving as a Marist Brother.”
After the homily at Friday’s Mass, Br. Sam professed his life-long vows aloud witnessed by Br. Al Rivera, Br. Rob Clarke, Br. Hank Hammer, and others. Due to safety restrictions, a limited group of Brothers, family members, and colleagues were there to witness and celebrate this sacred moment. The Mass can be watched here.