The Marist Math Team finished another successful season as 6th overall in the State and the top Catholic school in the state.

2022-23 Season Highlights
- Took 1st place at all 3 of the Catholic Math League South (CMLS) meets.
- Mathfax (Catholic Math League): Algebra 1 Team Champion of Division 5, Geometry Team Champion of Division 1 and Geometry Team National Championship.
2023 Regional Champions
At the Regional Math Competition held at Crete-Monee High School, we finished in 1st overall qualifying for the State Finals. We took first in the following competitions: Algebra 1 team, Geometry team, Algebra 2 team, Pre-Calculus team, Frosh-Soph 8-person, Junior-Senior 8-person, Calculator team, Frosh-Soph 2-person, and Junior-Senior 2-person. Individual first place winners were: freshmen Ryan Deskovich and Hailey Dostal, sophomores Celia Lindokken and Nathan Angelo San Gabriel, junior Michael Alfano, and seniors Dominic Heidorn and Moira McKee. Seniors Alex Larson and Moira McKee took 2nd in the Oral competition.
Regional Freshmen Team

Regional Sophomore Team

Regional Juniors Team

Regional Seniors Team
2023 State Finals
- The team competed in the State Math Finals held at Illinois State University on Saturday, April 24th. The Marist Math team finished 6th overall in State repeating as the top catholic school in the State. Among the accomplishments downstate were: Geometry Team – 2nd in State; Algebra 2 Team – 8th in State; Pre-Calculus Team – 4th in State; Calculator Team – 10th in State; Frosh/Soph 8-Person Team – 7th in State; and Frosh/Soph 2-Person Team – 9th in State. Individually, sophomore Celia Lindokken was awarded 3rd in State in the Geometry competition.
2022-23 State Math Team
- Lucy Alford
- Henry Beeson
- Ellie Bruton
- Danny Deacy
- Ryan Deskovich
- Hailey Dostal
- Ethan Froylan
- Clare Johnson
- Brian Truchon
Sophomores - Emma Billows
- Claire Cotter
- Philip Haddad
- Celia Lindokken
- Luke Molenhouse
- Andrew Mucksavage
- Nathan Angelo San Gabriel
- Nicholas Sifuentes
- Jack Schultz
- Qasim Shirazi
Juniors - Jimmy Alfano
- Michael Alfano
- Pedro Bear
- Luke Becker
- David Fanelli
- Danny Gleeson
- Timothy Malloy
- Jax Valenti
- Andy Vix
- Mark Wantuck
Seniors - Luka Anoshenko
- Abby Beeson
- Liam Deacy
- Walter Fleming
- Sean Grobarcik
- Anthony Haddad
- Dominic Heidorn
- Alex Larson
- Moira McKee
- Julia Shalabi
- Maddie Stack
- Cristian Viramontes
Head Coach (Frosh/Soph): Mr. Jeff Nicholson ’81
Head Coach (Junior/Senior): Mr. Owen Glennon

Freshmen State Team

Sophomore State Team

Junior State Team

Senior State Team
Congratulations to the Math Team on a great season!! Best of of luck to the seniors in the future.