Meg Dunneback, Principal at Marist High School, is now in the second season of her Podcast, “Inside Marist. Episode #17 kicks off another series of interviews with students to highlight the incredible skills, talents, and work of our RedHawks.
“Inside Marist” is a podcast that launched last year, during Meg’s first year as the Principal at Marist. This podcast offers listeners the chance to find out more about our dynamic school and the people who make this great place come alive each and every day. Enjoy another season as Meg shares stories about the life inside Marist High School, by interviewing guests that highlight our mission and ministry, teaching and learning, or athletics and clubs.
Episode #27
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation with Casey O’Connell, Marist staff member. Although Casey is not a graduate, she is very connected to Marist and loved here! Take a listen to hear more from her.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #26
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation about the Black Student Union club with Anastaiszcia Britton ’23, Payton Blisset ’23, Princess Burress ’25, and Alyssa McKinney ’23. These four students are members of the Black Student Union club here at Marist. Take a listen to hear more from them.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #25
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation about the Clubs at Marist with Renata Almachnee ’23 and Alan Treto ’24. These two students are involved in so many clubs here at Marist from the Green Team, SADD Club, Latinos United and Women’s Empowerment. Take a listen to hear more from Renata and Alan.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #24
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation with Camille Jones ’23. Camille is involved in many activities here at Marist. Take a listen to learn about this future journalist and how she contributes to Marist High School.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #23
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation with Isabelle Harmon ’23, Elise Ward ’23, Katie Tracy ’23, and Maggie Farritor ’23. These four are seniors on the girls’ basketball team and participate in so much more here at Marist.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #22
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation with Miles Durkin ’23 and Will Schreck ’23. They both share their creativity and talent with the Marist community by shooting and editing photos and videos at various athletic and other events.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #21
In this episode, Meg Dunneback has a great conversation with Nolan Baudo ’23 and Annie Shields ’23. Nolan is the Student Council President and Annie is the Student Council Vice President. Take a listen to hear more about their experiences at Marist.
To listen, click on the image below.

Episode #19
In this episode, Meg Dunneback Principal at Martist talks to senior Dom Heidorn. Dom is a National Merit Scholar Semifinalist and a key member of the Math Team and Boys Volleyball team. Listen to the full interview with Dom now!
To listen click on the image below.

Episode #17
In this episode, Meg Dunneback Principal at Martist talks to four lady Redhawks: Kayla Curtis; Caroline Danaher; Nayeli Scott; and Brigid Withers. All of these ladies are seniors, as well as the backbone behind our football program since they are the managers of the varsity team. What does that mean exactly, listen and find out.
To listen, click on the image below.

If you have missed last year’s Series of Conversations w/ Students, click here to listen and click below to hear all episodes of Meg’s podcast, “Inside Marist.”
If you missed Episode #1 – Interview with Marist High School President Larry Tucker, click here.