RedHawks, we invite you to join us as we celebrate our 5th annual Champagnat Day on Wednesday, April 6. The 24-hour giving event commemorates the canonization of St. Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers, and celebrates those who live out the Marist mission — you, our students, faculty/staff, parents, alumni, and friends.
Our Giving Goal
Our goal this year is to raise $150,000 for the Marist Fund so that we may continue to give students the advantage of an exceptional, Catholic education. The first 600 donors who give $50 or more will receive a Marist-inspired Rubik’s cube that highlights the five pillars to which each member of the Marist family commits: Presence; Simplicity; Family Spirit; Love of Work; and In the Way of Mary.
All-New Champagnat Day Campaign Site
This year, we have an all-new Champagnat Day Campaign site that will give you real-time updates as we work toward reaching our goal of $150,000 through 800 donors on 4.6.22.

4 Simple Tips to Get You Up to Speed and Involved on Champagnat Day
In order to make the most out of our new site, we are offering an overview to kickstart how you, our RedHawks, can get involved this year. Here are 4 simple tips to help navigate the site:
Tip #1
Check out our progress update in real-time, as generous supporters like you, donate on 4.6.22. Visit the site as often as you like for latest news, & don’t forget to follow us on social, as we post ongoing check-ins with leadership, faculty, staff, and your fellow RedHawks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Tip #2
Watch our video to learn about the campaign and get more insight on this year’s day of giving, as well as the giveaway – a Marist inspired Rubik’s cube – for the first 600 donors who give $50 or more.

Tip #3
Take on the Brothers & Sisters for Life Challenge.
The Brennan Family is challenging current students to participate. If over 200 students contribute at least $5 dollars, all student donors will be treated to a BBQ during lunch periods after the Easter break. Each donor will also be given a raffle ticket to win the following prizes: Seniors – free prom bid; Juniors – pick a free parking spot next year; Sophomores – guaranteed free parking spot; and Freshmen – $100 gift certificate to the Marist bookstore.
Additionally, those students wishing to make a $50 donation will receive a Marist-inspired Rubik’s cube. Donations can be made online.
Visit your Class page to support the Brothers & Sisters for Life Challenge today:
Tip #4
Marist students are invited to live out our mission on Champagnat Day by participating in our Caring for Others Service Project that includes a sacked lunch assembly line and creating sleeping mats for the homeless on Wednesday, April 6 during the school day. Be part of the day and help us prepare 1,000 meals for those in need and create the thread (plarn) for others to crochet the sleeping mat.
In the spirit of St. Marcellin, our Campus Ministry and students will deliver the lunches to local shelters and share the plarn with staff and local community members helping to crochet the mats. This service activity will take place in the main gym during students’ holding periods.
There is no experience required to become a volunteer and make lunches or plarn. During the event, Campus Ministry and faculty will be available to help. All you need is a willing heart.

Campus Ministry will be in holding periods on Monday 4/4 and Tuesday 4/5 recruiting volunteers. Please note, if you have an airborne nut allergy, we ask you to relocate from the main gym to another space during holding period on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, the Day of Champagnat Day.
Also note: Champagnat Day is not a dress down day. Regular school uniforms are required.
In order for us to reach our $150,000 goal,
we need your help. Visit us online at our new campaign site. Live the mission, donate today.