The Marist community has been busy this holiday season as they prepare for finals and get ready for Christmas. During this busy time of year, RedHawks still found time to volunteer in the community and spread Christmas cheer.
Christmas All School Mass
Christmas All School Mass was presided over by Fr. Tom Hurley ‘85. Mrs. Mary Barry spoke before mass about being the light in your community and both the choir and band performed beautiful songs from their Christmas concerts. This was a fantastic final celebration as a school before the end of the year.
All-School Christmas Drive
The Campus Ministry department spearheaded the all-school Christmas drive- this year benefitting Christmas Without Cancer. The drive here at Marist raised almost $4,500.00 in cash and gift cards.
NHS Wrapping Elves

Students have been working like little elves outside of the RedHawk Theater the past few weeks by helping our facility and staff with their Christmas wrapping before the holidays. NHS students have completed over 300 hours of community service in the month of December including wrapping presents, setting up for school masses, passing out food with Pro Labore Dei in Posen, Painting with Big Shoulders Give Back Day, and hosting our annual Breakfast with Santa.
Tiny Mic Christmas Carol
Principal Meg Dunneback joined in with students during the passing period singing their favorite Christmas songs.
Faculty Christmas Cookie Exchange

The 2nd Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange sent many of our staff home with a variety of sweet treats!
Marist v. McAuley Girls Basketball Ski Night
Students hit the slopes and cheered on their lady RedHawks in their best ski attire.

Choral, Guitar, & Band Christmas Concerts

Throughout the month of December, our students in the Chorus, Guitar class, and Band all performed their Christmas concerts. The Chapel and Gym were filled with guests of the RedHawk community as they enjoyed the beautiful music our students have worked so hard on all semester!
Club Christmas Parties
Many of our clubs gathered to celebrate the holidays together before Christmas break such as our Broadcasting club and Latinos United club.

Breakfast with Santa

Our NHS elves helped Santa bring some Christmas cheer to our faculty and staff and their families for Breakfast with Santa! This is such a great holiday tradition for our RedHawk family.
Girls Golf
The girls golf team assembled Christmas wreaths covered in gift cards for the nonprofit Christmas without Cancer. The wreaths will be donated to families with a loved one battling cancer.

Boys Basketball

The boys basketball team worked with Pro Labore Dei to prepare lunches for the Posen community during their annual Christmas food and gift giveaway.

The Marist Hockey Team delivered their food drive donations and volunteered at Pat’s Pantry. They also made Cold Weather Care Packs to hand out to those in need. Doing good things on and off the ice.
Clothing Drive
Inspired to continue supporting the Guildhaus after some Marist students wrote letters of encouragement to their residents who are grappling with recovery from addiction last month, the Marist Youth Club, SADD Club, and Marist Counseling Department collaborated to sponsor a collection drive. Hundreds of items of hats, scarves, winter jackets, hoodies, pants, shoes, work boots, shirts, sweaters, bookbags, and lunch snacks were collected. Social Workers Cathaleen Novak and Erik Christensen delivered the items to the Guildhaus on December 11th.

Mr. Berta’s Christmas Carols
Even while preparing for semester exams, students in Mr. Berta’s class broke out the guitar and had fun at the end of class singing some Christmas carols loud enough for most of the school to hear. Check it out!