The list of students who earned honors in the second semester of Marist High School’s 2020-21 academic year has been released. Those who made the Dean’s List are students who earned a GPA of 5.0 or better. Those students who received Honors earned a GPA of 4.5 to 4.9 out of a 5.0.
Congratulations to the students who earned this prestigious recognition.
The mission of Marist High School as a Roman Catholic, coed high school, is to make Jesus Christ known and loved in the Marist Brothers’ tradition, while preparing students for higher education and life.
Honor Roll Status | First Name | Last Name | Grammar School |
Dean’s List | Maya | Abusharif | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Mariam | Abusharif | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Sydney | Affolter | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Natalia | Aguirre | St. Gerald |
Dean’s List | Joseph | Alfano | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | Michael | Alfano | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | James | Alfano | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | Luke | Allocco | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Grace | Allocco | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Renata | Almachnee | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Xavier | Almanza | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Dean’s List | Emilio | Alvarado | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Collin | Amsden | Jack Hille Middle School |
Dean’s List | Grace | Anderson | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Luka | Anoshenko | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Antonio | Antonelli | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Sarah | Aranda | Jerling Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Kristen | Araujo | Annunciata |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Arp | Worth Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Nestor | Arreola | Kerr Middle School |
Dean’s List | Brooke | Arundel | Simmons Middle School |
Dean’s List | Julissa | Avalos | St. Bede the Venerable |
Dean’s List | Catherine | Ayala | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Sebastian | Bacallao | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Alexis | Bacchus | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Bridget | Badke | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Morgan | Bagus | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Nicholas | Baker | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Julie | Barriga | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Emily | Barry | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Colleen | Barry | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Barry | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Rocco | Bartolini | Mokena Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Bridget | Bartolotta | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Marykate | Bartolotta | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Emilia | Batus | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Nolan | Baudo | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Harrison | Bayorgeon | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Kamron | Beal | Prairie View Middle School |
Dean’s List | Pedro | Bear | Arbor Park Middle School |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Beazley | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Luke | Becker | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Abigail | Beeson | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Nicholas | Beltran | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Aidan | Bennett | Simmons Middle School |
Dean’s List | Payton | Benoit | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Albert | Bernhardt | Jerling Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Leah | Biggs | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Francis | Bilecki | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Charlotte | Bittner | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Kaela | Bittner | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Alexis | Blackburn | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Joshua | Blomberg | St. George |
Dean’s List | Riley | Bodin | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Hanna | Bokowski | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Thomas | Boland | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Genevieve | Boland | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Kathleen | Boyle | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Maureen | Bradley | Southwest Chicago Christian |
Dean’s List | Joseph | Brady | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Luke | Brannigan | Century Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Kevin | Brennan | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Mary | Bresnahan | Homer Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Andrew | Brooker | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Donna | Bruinius | Liberty Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Mary Clare | Brusek | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Sasha | Bryant | Morgan Park Academy |
Dean’s List | Delaney | Budewitz | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Nathaniel | Budz | St. Symphorosa |
Dean’s List | Kevin | Bugos | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Angelease | Bunton | Chicago Virtual Charter School |
Dean’s List | Allyssa | Burgos | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | John (Jack) | Burke | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Ava | Burns | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Margaux | Burns | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Jeffery (Buddy) | Butler | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Christina | Calas | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Dean’s List | Isabella | Camarena | Prairie Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Abigail | Camp | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Chloe | Campbell | Highland Middle School |
Dean’s List | Jack | Cantorna | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Dominic | Cardinal | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Anali | Carmona | St. Symphorosa |
Dean’s List | Jack | Carney | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Katelin | Carney | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Gloria | Carr | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Marc Anthony | Carreon | St. Bede the Venerable |
Dean’s List | Kalista | Case | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Lupita | Castillo | St. Bede the Venerable |
Dean’s List | Megan | Cavanaugh | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Rayne | Cave | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Aidan | Cech | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Christian | Chavez | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Juan | Chavez | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Dean’s List | Aileen | Chesniak | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Tyler | Chesniak | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Alyssa | Chevalier | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Kira | Chivers | Infant Jesus of Prague |
Dean’s List | Joshua | Ciesla | Southwest Chicago Christian |
Dean’s List | Brandon | Claahsen | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Conor | Clancy | Worth Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Timothy | Clancy | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | George | Cleary | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Jane | Cleary | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Sahan | Clements | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Riley | Cleveland | Morgan Park Academy |
Dean’s List | Mallorie | Clifton | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Clifton | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | Anastasia | Coleman | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Dean’s List | Emma | Collias | Orland Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Carmen | Colon | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Sean | Condon | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Anna | Connor | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Patrick | Coogan | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Cook | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Conor | Cooke | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Erika | Cortes | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Ava | Cortesi | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Andrew | Cortesi | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Keira | Cotter | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Mary Kate | Coughlan | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Marc | Coy | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Michael | Coy | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Jack | Coyne | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Hannah | Craven | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Hannah | Cremins | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Isabella | Crespo | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Tara | Cronin | Peckwas Preparatory Academy |
Dean’s List | Jonathan | Crowel | Highland Middle School |
Dean’s List | James | Crowley | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Anthony | Cuda | Mother Teresa Catholic Academy |
Dean’s List | Isabel | Cunnea | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Peter | Cunningham | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Catherine | Curtin | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Clare | Curtin | Prairie Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Kara | Czerwinski | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Gina | Czochara | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Angelica | Czyszczon | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Bridget | Danaher | Liberty Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Katherine | Danaher | Jack Hille Middle School |
Dean’s List | Taylor | Davis | |
Dean’s List | Helen | Davros | St. John the Baptist Catholic |
Dean’s List | Maia | Dawczak | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Liam | Deacy | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Mary | Deane | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Anna | Deiters | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Clare | Dennehy | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Frank | Denning | St. George |
Dean’s List | Georgia | Derousse | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Benett | Detampel | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Ryan | Diddia | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Molly | Dignan | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Ella | Dill | Kinzie Elementary |
Dean’s List | Tylar | Dillard | Ridge Academy |
Dean’s List | Colin | Dillon | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Alexandra | Dipasquale | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Jenna | Doan | St. Gerald |
Dean’s List | Delaney | Doncer | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Maya | Donegan | Homer Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Michael | Donegan | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Donegan | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Doran | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Lily | Dorsch | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Stephanie | Dostal | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Liam | Dougherty | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Drag | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Madison | Drebing | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Sonya | Dremak | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Hanna | Duh | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Alexis | Dunaway | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | McKenna | Dunaway | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Brenna | Dunlap | Central Middle School |
Dean’s List | Owen | Dunlap | Central Middle School |
Dean’s List | Clare | Dunneback | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Abigail | Dunning | Gower Middle School |
Dean’s List | Miles | Durkin | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Natalie | Duszynski | St. Gabriel |
Dean’s List | Michael | Eberhardt | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Abby | Eberly | St. Gabriel |
Dean’s List | Joseph | Egan | Worth Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Cailey | Eklund | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Eileen | Elenteny | St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick |
Dean’s List | Jillian | Elsouso | Homer Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Mary | Englehart | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Tess | Enright | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | John | Enright | St. Walter |
Dean’s List | Katherine | Enright | St. Walter |
Dean’s List | Angeline | Esparza | St. Benedict |
Dean’s List | Jenifer | Esparza | Veterans Memorial |
Dean’s List | Nasaria | Esparza | Veterans Memorial |
Dean’s List | Kyle | Evoy | Century Jr. High |
Dean’s List | David | Fanelli | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Farritor | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Gabriel | Fey | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Isabelle | Fialkowski | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Erin | Finn | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Cara | Finn | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Mia | Fiscelli | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Erin | Fitzgerald | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Walter | Fleming | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Ismael | Flores | Pope John Paul II |
Dean’s List | Skylar | Flynn | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Kathrine | Flynn | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Megan | Flynn | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Casey | Flynn | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Una | Fortier | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Paul | Fortner | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Cecelia | Fransen | St. Cletus |
Dean’s List | Lillian | Fransen | St. Cletus |
Dean’s List | Heather | Frazier | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Ava | Fritz | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Ewelina | Gacek | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Kacey | Gaida | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Kylie | Galbraith | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Gallagher | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Grant | Gallardo | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Elise | Gamino | Bridgeport Catholic Academy |
Dean’s List | Alexander | Gaona | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Cesar | Gaona | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Emma | Gapski | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Nayeli | Garcia | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Dean’s List | Ryan | Garza | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Carter | Gass | St. Gerald |
Dean’s List | Magdalena | Gazda | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Nicholas | Gazda | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Elizabeth | Gibbons | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Grace | Gierhahn | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Giglio | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Brian | Gilhooly | Incarnation |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Gillerlain | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Thomas | Giltmier | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Rylee | Gimenez | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Gleeson | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Glover | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Grace | Gniech | Namaste Charter School |
Dean’s List | Kathleen | Godsel | St. Gerald |
Dean’s List | Michael | Golden | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Diego | Gomez | St. Bede the Venerable |
Dean’s List | Morgan | Gonzales | Sutherland |
Dean’s List | Natalie | Goo | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Dean’s List | Gianna | Gordon | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Isabella | Gorney | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Gorski | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Brianna | Govea | Liberty Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Eric | Grajeda | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Kathya | Grau | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Dean’s List | Charles | Griffin | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Tyler | Griggs | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Sean | Grobarcik | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Kelsey | Grzymski | Jerling Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Giana | Gudino | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Gerardo | Guerrero | Queen of the Universe |
Dean’s List | Luc | Guerrero | St. Bede the Venerable |
Dean’s List | Devin | Guest | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Natalee | Guilfoyle | Keller Regional Gifted Center |
Dean’s List | Brianna | Gutierrez | Franklin Fine Arts Center |
Dean’s List | Sophia | Gutierrez | Queen of the Universe |
Dean’s List | Paulina | Gutierrez | Queen of the Universe |
Dean’s List | Brendan | Gutierrez | St. Symphorosa |
Dean’s List | Leticia | Guzman | Annunciata |
Dean’s List | Grace | Guzolek | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Anthony | Haddad | Koraes |
Dean’s List | Madelin | Hammerlund | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Dean’s List | Francesca | Hammerstein | Palos South |
Dean’s List | James | Hansen | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Hansen | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Hansen | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Saoirse | Haran | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Isabelle | Harmon | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Jack | Harmon | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Faith | Harper | Oakdale Christian Academy |
Dean’s List | Tessa | Harris | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Dominick | Heidorn | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Shannon | Heitschmidt | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Dean’s List | Alex | Hernandez | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Herrera | St. Symphorosa |
Dean’s List | Elise | Hetzel | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Briana | Hill | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Hill | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Jalen | Hill | Kozminski Community Academy |
Dean’s List | Imani | Hill | St. Ethelreda |
Dean’s List | Andrew | Hinkes | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Taylor | Ho | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Maris | Hollimon | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | James | Hollowell | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Anne | Hopkins | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Hannah | Hosty | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Kaliyah | House | Queen of the Universe |
Dean’s List | Sarah | Hughes | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Kelly | Hughes | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Kathleen | Hulne | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Alexander | Huntley | North Scott Jr High |
Dean’s List | Declan | Hurless | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Julian | Hurtado | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Hynes | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Gianna Marie | Ibrado | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Brian | Immordino | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Sarah | Immordino | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Emma | Jamison | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Bryan | Jasien | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Madelyn | Jaworek | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Rachel | Jendra | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Collin | Jennings | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Patrick | Johnson | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Camille | Jones | McKinley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Allison | Kallianis | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Charles | Kalousek | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Leah | Kane | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Emma | Karczewski | St. Cletus |
Dean’s List | Nena | Karr | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Shane | Kavanaugh | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Thomas | Kavanaugh | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Andreana | Kekempanos | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Keller | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Liam | Kelly | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Seamus | Kelly | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Maeve | Kelly | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Brian | Kelly | St. George |
Dean’s List | Caera | Kennedy | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Ellen | Kevin | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Dean’s List | Brianna | Kilcoyne | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Emily | King | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Ethan | Kinney | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | James | Kitchin | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Sidney | Klein | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Kathryn | Klockow | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Alexander | Knight | Sutherland |
Dean’s List | Paige | Kohlstedt | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Lauren | Kokaska | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Koren | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Nikos | Kotsopulos | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Rowan | Krammer | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Hayden | Krupa | Central Middle School |
Dean’s List | Kathryn | Ksiezak | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | Karolina | Kubasik | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Madison | Kuziela | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Maximus | Lacey | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Sophia | Lambros | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Drew | Largen | Liberty Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Alexandra | Larson | St. Patricia |
Dean’s List | Morgan | Laundrie | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Laundrie | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | John | Lavin | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Nora | Lee | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Justin | Lee | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Jose | Lemus | Chavez |
Dean’s List | Domenico | Lepore | St. Symphorosa |
Dean’s List | Wyatt | Levins | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Jacob | Liberatore | Peotone Elementary |
Dean’s List | Cecilia | Light | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Larisa | Link | St. Jerome |
Dean’s List | Ryan | Livingstone | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Sofia (Silvana) | Llobet | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Kailyn | Loch | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Wyatt | Loethen | Mokena Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Jassmyne | Lonski | Williamsville Junior High School |
Dean’s List | Ashley | Lopez | Durkin Park |
Dean’s List | Jennifer | Lopez | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Lesly | Lugo | Durkin Park |
Dean’s List | John | Lundy | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Shakira | Luster | St. Ethelreda |
Dean’s List | James | Luzzo | St. George |
Dean’s List | Camryn | Lyons | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Grace | Lyons | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Macellaio | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Macfarlane | Homeschooled |
Dean’s List | Mitchell | Madaras | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Michaela | Madden | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Joseph | Mahoney | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Mattingly | Malczewski | Dore Elementary |
Dean’s List | Sophia | Maldonado | Grace Christian Academy |
Dean’s List | Timothy | Malloy | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Molly | Malloy | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Megan | Maloney | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Norine | Maloney | Park Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Maeve | Maloney | Park Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Mia | Maniatis | Koraes |
Dean’s List | Alonzo | Manning II | Lindblom Math & Science Academy |
Dean’s List | Benjamin | Marks | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Lauren | Marshall | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Francesca | Martella | St. Jerome |
Dean’s List | Emily | Martin | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Cydney | Martinez | St. Joseph |
Dean’s List | Mitchell | Martino | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Ava | Mastropaolo | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Molly | Mather | Incarnation |
Dean’s List | Sean | Maxwell | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Erica | Maya | St. Stanislaus School |
Dean’s List | Ava | Mayer | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Courtney | Mayo | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Addison | McBride | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Kiley | McCabe | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Molly | McCabe | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Michael | McClorey | Our Lady of the Ridge |
Dean’s List | Kelvin | Mccullough Jr. | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Dean’s List | Brendan | McDermott | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Elizabeth | McGeehan | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Caitlin | McGrath | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Ella | McGrath | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Emerson | McGuire | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Molly | McInerney | Mark Sheridan Academy |
Dean’s List | Moira | McKee | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Thomas | McMeel | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Faith | McNamara | Bridgeport Catholic Academy |
Dean’s List | Nora | McNicholas | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | William | McNicholas | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | John | McNicholas | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | James | McQuaid | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Bianca | Medina | Queen of the Universe |
Dean’s List | Maddox | Medina | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Madeline | Meehan | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Benjamin | Meehan | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Veronica | Melo | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Nora | Menard | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Joanne | Micetich | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Jessica | Micklin | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Renick | Miller | Mokena Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Tyler | Mishka | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Grace | Misiunas | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Nathaniel | Missey | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Christina | Misura | Homer Jr High |
Dean’s List | Michael | Misura | Homer Jr High |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Molenhouse | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Grace | Molenhouse | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Tatiana | Molina | Annunciata |
Dean’s List | Grace | Moloney | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Lauryn | Moloney | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Monahan | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Emma | Mooncotch | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Joaquin | Morales | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Vincent | Moreno | Homeschooled |
Dean’s List | Tyler | Moss | St. Gabriel |
Dean’s List | Natalie | Mozdzen | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Mckenzy | Mueller | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Sara | Mullarkey | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Roisin | Murnin | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Emerson Grace | Murphy | Homeschooled |
Dean’s List | James | Murphy | Homeschooled |
Dean’s List | Gavin | Murphy | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Shannon | Murphy | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Declan | Murphy | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Murphy | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | James | Murray | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Thomas | Murrihy | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Maria | Musso | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Mya | Mustafa | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Muth | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Patrick | Nellis | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Andrea | Nelson | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Elizabeth | Nelson | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Henry | Nguyen | Clissold |
Dean’s List | Destiny | Nichols | St. George |
Dean’s List | Rayna | Nichols | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Victoria | Nielsen | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Brian | Noble | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Nolan | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Anne | Nolan | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Mia | Norris | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Quinn | O’Boyle | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Caroline | O’Brien | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Kaitlyn | O’Brien | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Margaret | O’Brien | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Mairead | O’Brien | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Kayla | O’Brien | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Pauline Marie | Ochotorena | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | John (Jack) | O’Connell | St. Francis Xavier |
Dean’s List | Molly | O’Connor | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Colleen | O’Connor | Keller Regional Gifted Center |
Dean’s List | Emmett | O’Connor | Sutherland |
Dean’s List | Joseph | O’Connor | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Tillie | O’Connor | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Martin | O’Connor | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Princess | Offord | Crete Monee Middle School |
Dean’s List | Joseph | O’Hara | St. John the Baptist Catholic |
Dean’s List | Troy | Ohlrich | Prairie Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Basileios (Billy) | Oikonomou | Koraes |
Dean’s List | Kellen | O’Keefe | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Brooke | O’Leary | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Andrew | Olsen | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Olsen | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Kaitlin | Olsen | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Ryan | O’Malley | Central Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Jack | O’Malley | Central Middle School – Evergreen Park |
Dean’s List | Patrick | O’Malley | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Emmett | O’Malley | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Ufuomaoghene | Omene | McKinley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Nyherowo | Omene | McKinley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Emma | Ortega | Daniel Zizumbo |
Dean’s List | Sofia | Ortega | UNO Charter |
Dean’s List | Angel | Ortiz | Kolmar |
Dean’s List | John | O’Shea | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Eirinn | O’Sullivan | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Elizabeth | Pacheco | Jack Hille Middle School |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Pacino | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Mia | Padilla | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Natalie | Palmer | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Ashlin | Palzkill | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Natalie | Parillo | Our Lady of the Ridge |
Dean’s List | Nicole | Parzygnat | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Molly | Patula | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Kathryn | Pawlecki | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Logan | Payne | Sutherland |
Dean’s List | Malia | Pellegrini | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Lexi | Pena | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Alejandrina | Perez | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Maximiliano | Perez | Simmons Middle School |
Dean’s List | Eryn | Perry | Calvary Academy |
Dean’s List | Sean | Pferschy | Queen of the Universe |
Dean’s List | Jacob | Phillips | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | Donovan | Pierce | Nathan Hale |
Dean’s List | Shaylynn | Pieters | Lenart |
Dean’s List | Maia | Pietrzak | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Victoria | Pindelski | Orland Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Jessica | Popiela | Skinner West Elementary |
Dean’s List | Mary | Porter | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Paige | Portincaso | Prairie Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Mitchell | Potocsnak | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Delaney | Powers | Kolmar |
Dean’s List | Karla | Prado | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Dean’s List | Maeve | Prendergast | Sutherland |
Dean’s List | Kylie | Priori | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Angelo | Provo | St. George |
Dean’s List | Eva | Quebbeman | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | William | Quinn | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Kyle | Quinn | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Abigail | Quinn | St. Cletus |
Dean’s List | Colleen | Quinn | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Meghan | Quinn | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Krista | Ragan | Finley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Neila | Ramirez | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Maura | Ramirez | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Sarah Rose | Ramirez | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Alexander | Ramirez | Cassell Elementary |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Ramos | St. Albert the Great |
Dean’s List | Annabella | Ramos | Keller Regional Gifted Center |
Dean’s List | Corey | Rashad | Lindblom Math & Science Academy |
Dean’s List | Jessica | Reardon | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Julia | Reedy | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Bridey | Regan | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Benjamin | Reidy | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Quinn | Richards | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Lindsey | Richter | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Nathaniel | Rickey | St. Christopher |
Dean’s List | Neil | Riggio | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Cara | Riney | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Marc | Rivera | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Elissa | Rizek | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Osmar | Rocha-Patino | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Jillian | Rohe | St. Alexander |
Dean’s List | James | Rolder | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Payton | Ross | McKinley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Ross | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Abigail | Ryan | Central Middle School – Evergreen Park |
Dean’s List | Daniel | Ryan | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Liam | Ryan | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Delaney | Ryan | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Scott | Rybak | Orland Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Brae | Sanchez | Prairie Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Izel | Sanchez | Old St. Mary |
Dean’s List | Rebecca | Sanfratello | Dore Elementary |
Dean’s List | Caleb | Santiago | St. John the Baptist Catholic |
Dean’s List | Vivian | Santiago | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Adrien | Santiago | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Margaux Alexis | Santos | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Charlotte | Sawicki | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Morgan | Schaller | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Ethan | Scheel | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Teagan | Schied | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Elizabeth | Schmidt | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Schmitz | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | William | Schreck | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Isabella | Schreck | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Luke | Schuler | Mokena Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Sarah | Scott | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Nayeli | Scott | St. Symphorosa |
Dean’s List | Cal | Sefcik | Century Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Hunter | Sefcik | Homer Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Owen | Senese | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Julia | Shalabi | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Allison | Sheehy | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Annie | Shields | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Mia | Shields | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Henry | Sikorski | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Sophia | Sikorski | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | Sarah | Simpson | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Ryan | Sims | Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep |
Dean’s List | Kylie | Sinal | Central Middle School |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Sipic | MVCA (out of state) |
Dean’s List | Sarah | Skalitzky | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Madeline | Skalitzky | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Skalitzky | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Lorelei | Skurzewski | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Alexander | Sloan | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Blake | Sloyan | Hyde Park Day School |
Dean’s List | Aidan | Sloyan | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Anna | Smetek | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Khalil | Smith | UNO Charter Woodlawn |
Dean’s List | Reilly | Smith | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Bridget | Smith | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Chloe | Smith | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Alexander | Smith | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Madelyn | Smith | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Emily | Snarskis | Hale Elementary |
Dean’s List | Julia | Solcani | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Ava | Solis | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Max | Sombong | St. Ann |
Dean’s List | Brian | Soto | St. Gall |
Dean’s List | Ava | Spreitzer | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Mckenzie | Stack | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Madelyn | Stack | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Dean’s List | Miranda | Steponik | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Ava | Stercic | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | John | Stifter | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Caitlin | Stokes | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | John | Stube | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Angelina | Stupak | St. Patricia |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Suarez | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Margaret | Sullivan | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Colin | Sutton | Central Middle School |
Dean’s List | Christian | Sweis | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Nicholas | Thompson | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Jacob | Tinoco | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Emily | Toledo | St. Jane de Chantal |
Dean’s List | John | Tomkins | Most Holy Redeemer |
Dean’s List | Orlando | Torres | Finley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Katherine | Tracy | St. Germaine |
Dean’s List | Alan | Treto | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Maia | Trevino | St. Damian |
Dean’s List | Dean | Tsoumbakopoulos | Our Lady of the Ridge |
Dean’s List | Morgan | Ulanowski | St. Thomas More |
Dean’s List | Michael | Uldrych | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Michael | Ulleweit | Orland Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Samantha | Usterbowski | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Juliana | Valdez | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | James | Valek | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Jax | Valenti | Finley Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Sofia | Vazquez | Sacred Heart School 96th ST |
Dean’s List | Cara | Velez | St. Bede the Venerable |
Dean’s List | Michael | Vetos | Mark Sheridan Academy |
Dean’s List | Vanessa | Vihnanek | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Cristian | Viramontes | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Dean’s List | Meer | Virji | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Mark | Viz | SS. Cyril and Methodius |
Dean’s List | Andrew | Viz | SS. Cyril and Methodius |
Dean’s List | Lauren | Vopicka | Queen of Martyrs |
Dean’s List | Nathen | Voss | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Jack | Vulich | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Jaclyn | Waclawik | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Jonathan | Wagner | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | James | Wajda | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Walsh | St. John Fisher |
Dean’s List | Cooper | Walters | Conrady Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Mark | Wantuck | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Matthew | Warakomski | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | James | Ward | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Elise | Ward | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Isabella | Washington | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Isabella | Werosh | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Rebecca | Whealan | Christ the King |
Dean’s List | Olivia | Whelan | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Graciella | Williams | St. Linus |
Dean’s List | Ethan | Wilson | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Aydan | Wilson | Palos South |
Dean’s List | Brian | Winstead | St. Cajetan |
Dean’s List | Jacob | Witek | St. Bruno |
Dean’s List | Brigid | Withers | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Dean’s List | Lucy | Wizgird | St. Barnabas |
Dean’s List | Kaitlyn | Wright | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Jade | Yates | St. Michael |
Dean’s List | Nicole | Young | Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School |
Dean’s List | Nathan | Yurisich | St. Christina |
Dean’s List | Carlos | Zavala | Southwest Chicago Christian |
Dean’s List | Victoria | Zdenovec | Independence Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Ivan | Zelaya-Hinojosa | Simmons Middle School |
Dean’s List | Alyssa | Zon | Mt. Greenwood |
Dean’s List | Kahlan | Zwonitzer | Homer Jr. High |
Dean’s List | Zoe | Zwonitzer | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Angelina | Abusara | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Elizabeth | Acevedo | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Abigail | Acosta | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Marlen | Agustin | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Honors | Makayla | Alexander | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Honors | Kate | Allocco | St. Michael |
Honors | Alexis | Alonso | St. Symphorosa |
Honors | Lizette | Alvarado | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Honors | Diego | Alvarez | St. Linus |
Honors | Anay | Amoah | Prairie Jr. High |
Honors | Domenic | Anzalone | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Sara | Araujo | Annunciata |
Honors | Deandre | Archer | Outreach Exceptional Learning Academy |
Honors | Chloe | Arteaga | St. John the Baptist Catholic |
Honors | Kelly | Arvesen | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Lauren | Bak | Byrne Elementary |
Honors | Kaylen | Baker | Christ Our Savior |
Honors | Rachel | Baker | Homeschooled |
Honors | Jaeda | Baldwin | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Michael | Bartolotta | St. Michael |
Honors | Daniel | Becerra | St. Ann |
Honors | Braedan | Bednarczyk | St. Christopher |
Honors | Ethan | Bednarczyk | St. Christopher |
Honors | Jack | Beeson | St. Michael |
Honors | Emily | Belcik | Byrne Elementary |
Honors | Kevin | Benak | St. Christina |
Honors | Mariel | Benavidez | Annunciata |
Honors | Felicya | Benford | St. Margaret of Scotland |
Honors | Eric | Berndt | St. Gerald |
Honors | Shirleyann | Bia | St. Barnabas |
Honors | George | Bilecki | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Isabella | Blakey | Clissold |
Honors | Payton | Blisset | LaSalle Language Academy |
Honors | Caitlin | Blomberg | St. George |
Honors | Emily | Bojan | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Madelyn | Botta | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Sophia | Bouck | Sutherland |
Honors | Mark | Brannigan | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Colin | Brennan | St. Alexander |
Honors | Taylor | Brennan | Bridgeport Catholic Academy |
Honors | Madison | Brigel | St. Patricia |
Honors | Anthony | Broderick | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Nora | Brusek | Central Middle School – Evergreen Park |
Honors | Annie | Buckley | Christ the King |
Honors | Delaney | Bullington | St. Germaine |
Honors | Nicholas | Bunda | St. Barbara |
Honors | Caleb | Bunton | Chicago Virtual Charter School |
Honors | Connor | Callahan | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Aaron | Camarena | St. Damian |
Honors | Jordan | Campbell | Highland Middle School |
Honors | Marty | Canavan | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Emma | Canner | St. Alexander |
Honors | Adyan | Carlos | St. Benedict |
Honors | Maeve | Carr | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Maeve | Carroll | St. Alexander |
Honors | Margaret | Carroll | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Abigail | Carroll | St. Alexander |
Honors | Faith | Casey | Palos South |
Honors | Theodore | Castillo | Our Lady of the Snows |
Honors | Emily | Castillo | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Lily | Ceretto | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | Charles | Chaffee | Central Middle School |
Honors | Sierra | Champliss | St. Ethelreda |
Honors | Kamryn | Chaney | Deer Creek Christian School |
Honors | Brendan | Chesniak | St. Germaine |
Honors | Maggie | Ciara | Simmons Middle School |
Honors | Laura | Cintron | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Honors | Sarah | Cintron | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Honors | Katelyn | Clifford | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Nicholas | Coccaro | Palos South |
Honors | Camille | Collins | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Kylie | Collins | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Kennedy | Conrad | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Honors | Madison | Conrad | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Honors | Anthony | Consiglio | Central Jr. High |
Honors | Casey | Conway | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Angelina | Corcoran | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Ivan | Cortes | St. Bruno |
Honors | Melanie | Cosme | Christ the King |
Honors | Luke | Cosme | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Caroline | Cotter | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Mikaela | Coughlin | Louis Pasteur |
Honors | Kaylee | Cozen | Incarnation |
Honors | Jaelynn | Crawford | St. Margaret of Scotland |
Honors | Brooke | Crema | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Cara | Crosse | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Kaitlin | Cupp | St. Michael |
Honors | Kayla | Curtis | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Charlie | Cutrara | Christ the King |
Honors | Alex | Czochara | Southwest Chicago Christian |
Honors | Nicholas | Damian | Palos South |
Honors | Jack | Davies | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Eriyan | Davis | St. Ethelreda |
Honors | Marlen | De La Riva | St. Benedict |
Honors | Naya | Diaz | St. Bruno |
Honors | Jenesia | Diaz | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Vincent | Diiulio | Homer Jr. High |
Honors | Alyssa | Dilella | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Brooke | Dilger | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Arden (AJ) | Dix | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | Joshua | Dixon | Scott Joplin |
Honors | Joseph | Dochee | Hickory Creek Middle School |
Honors | Gavyn | Domico | St. Michael |
Honors | Eileen | Donahue | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Laila | Dorsey | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Honors | Ella | Dowling | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Holly | Doyle | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Sebastian | Drag | St. Linus |
Honors | Owen | Duffy | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Quinn | Duffy | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Derek | Dunterman | Finley Jr. High |
Honors | Elizabeth | Egan | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Samantha | Ekhart | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Honors | Molly | Eklund | St. Christina |
Honors | Daniel | Enright | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Ricardo | Enriquez | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Honors | Pablo | Escalante | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Luis | Esparza | St. Benedict |
Honors | Julian | Estrada | St. Christopher |
Honors | Matteo | Filippo | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Honors | Keeley | Fill | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Katelyn | Finley | St. Christina |
Honors | Erika | Finn | St. Benedict |
Honors | Hannah | Finnegan | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Alyssa | Fiscelli | Palos South |
Honors | Emma | Fishback | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Aidan | Fisher | St. Alexander |
Honors | Giovani | Fittipaldi | George Washington |
Honors | Christopher | Fleming | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Nathan | Flores | St. Bruno |
Honors | Santonien | Flowers | Christ Our Savior |
Honors | Kayla | Fox | Sutherland |
Honors | Scott | Geary | Christ the King |
Honors | Brendan | Geary | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Patricia | Gillerlain | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Abigail | Gniech | Namaste Charter School |
Honors | Christian | Gomez | St. Gerald |
Honors | Alyssa | Gomez | St. Gerald |
Honors | Emma | Gomez | Kinzie Elementary |
Honors | Jazmin | Gomora | Acero Torres |
Honors | Cynthia | Gonzalez | St. Gerald |
Honors | Conor | Graefen | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Anthony | Granat | St. Christina |
Honors | Gianna | Granat | St. Christina |
Honors | Carsyn | Gudino | St. Michael |
Honors | Kayla | Guinn | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Sam | Gurgone | Mokena Jr. High |
Honors | Elizabeth | Gutrich | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Michael | Guzaitis | St. George |
Honors | James | Hach | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | John | Hackett | Hickory Creek Middle School |
Honors | Cayden | Hanlon | Frances Xavier Warde |
Honors | Kathleen | Harring | St. Michael |
Honors | Madison | Hartley | St. Germaine |
Honors | Shawn | Hawthorne | St. Margaret of Scotland |
Honors | Keira | Hayes | St. John Fisher |
Honors | William | Hein | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Erin | Helsdingen | St. Alexander |
Honors | Ashley | Helwig | Summit Hill Jr. High |
Honors | Kate | Hermanson | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Leonardo | Hernandez | St. Albert the Great |
Honors | Eduardo | Hernandez | St. Bruno |
Honors | Jesus | Herrera | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Emma | Higgins-Marfise | Finley Jr. High |
Honors | Tyler | Hinkes | St. Michael |
Honors | Caitlyn | Hisson | St. Symphorosa |
Honors | Hunter | Holley | Christ the King |
Honors | Madelyn | Holmstrom | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | Aidan | Hudson | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Thomas | Hughes | Central Jr. High |
Honors | Demarco | Hunter | Memorial Jr. High |
Honors | Juan | Jacinto | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Rebecca | Jackson | Sutherland |
Honors | Riley | Jamison | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Maya | Jarka | St. Michael |
Honors | Kaitlin | Jaycox | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Lauren | Johnson | Owen Scholastic Academy |
Honors | Aiden | Johnson | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Nicole | Jones | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Claude | Jones Jr. | St. Albert the Great |
Honors | Erin | Julian | St. Damian |
Honors | Caitlyn | Kawa | St. Symphorosa |
Honors | Thomas | Kearney | St. Germaine |
Honors | Avery | Keene | St. Michael |
Honors | Emmanuel | Kekempanos | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Honors | Meghan | Kelly | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Lyla | Kelly | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Rose | Kelly | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Grace | Kennedy | St. Alexander |
Honors | Caroline | Kennedy | St. Alexander |
Honors | Catherine | Kennedy | St. Alexander |
Honors | Brianna | Kirchner | Martino Jr. High |
Honors | Kylie | Klug | St. Christina |
Honors | Caitlin | Kochan | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Honors | Julia | Kokaska | St. Linus |
Honors | Alyssa | Kortz | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Paul | Kosteris | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Sophia | Kovaka | Prairie Jr. High |
Honors | Elias | Krupa | Koraes |
Honors | Joseph | Ksiezak | St. Christopher |
Honors | Jessica | Kurpeikis | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Ethan | Kuziela | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Samuel | Lacey | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Angelina | LaMantia | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Allison | Langford | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | Elizabeth | Larmon | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Samuel | Laurencell | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Anna | Lazarz | St. Linus |
Honors | Abbie | Leen | Prairie Jr. High |
Honors | Lucas | Liberatore | Peotone Elementary |
Honors | William | Lindahl | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Luke | Lisiecki | Palos South |
Honors | John | Looney | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Audrey | Losieczka | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Easton | Lotus | Liberty Jr. High |
Honors | Jacqueline | Loughney | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Howard | Ludwig | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Michael | Lundy | St. Linus |
Honors | Kyle | Lyke | Infant Jesus of Prague |
Honors | Reygan | Lynch | |
Honors | Madison | Lynn | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Morgan | Lyons | St. Linus |
Honors | Matthew | Madaras | St. Alexander |
Honors | Riley | Magliano | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Luke | Malzone | Palos South |
Honors | Akira’ | Mann | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Peter | Marinopoulos | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Jovan | Marsh | Kolmar |
Honors | Patrick | Martin | St. Christina |
Honors | Anthony | Martin | St. Jane de Chantal |
Honors | Sofia | Martinez | St. Richard |
Honors | Emilia | Masnica | St. Albert the Great |
Honors | Emily | McCartan | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Connor | McCormick-Buczko | St. Alexander |
Honors | Sancia | McCullar | St. John’s Lutheran |
Honors | Cencere | McDaniel | Incarnation |
Honors | Emily | McDermott | St. Christina |
Honors | Morah | McGovern | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Daniel | McGuire | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Collin | McGuire | St. Damian |
Honors | John | McKenna | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Reagan | McKeough | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Alyssa | McKinney | CICS Prairie |
Honors | Brian | McLoughlin | St. Germaine |
Honors | Marina | McMeel | Healy |
Honors | John | McNamara | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Samuel | McNamara | St. Linus |
Honors | Jiavana | McNichols | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Lukas | McWilliams | Homer Jr. High |
Honors | Elizabeth | Mendoza | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Honors | Paris | Mendoza | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Riley | Misch | Dore Elementary |
Honors | Lucy | Mlyniec | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Grace | Monahan | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Nora | Moore | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Sara | Moran | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Nadia | Moreno | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Honors | Monica | Mozdzen | Palos South |
Honors | Sophia | Munguia | St. Albert the Great |
Honors | Eduardo | Munoz | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Colin | Murphy | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Brylee | Murphy | St. Damian |
Honors | Gavin | Murphy | Martino Jr. High |
Honors | Kylee | Neal | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Hailey | Nelson | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Kailey | Nestor | St. John of the Cross |
Honors | Kelly | Nichols | St. Christina |
Honors | Carolyn | Nichols | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Margaret | Nitsche | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Kevin | Nolan | St. Christina |
Honors | Andrea | Nuno | St. Benedict |
Honors | Tyler | Nutting | Central Middle School |
Honors | Kayleigh | O’Brien | Palos South |
Honors | Grace | O’Connell | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Colleen | O’Connell | Sutherland |
Honors | Grace | O’Connor | Christ the King |
Honors | Audrey | O’Connor | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Honors | Hannah | O’Connor | St. Michael |
Honors | Andrew | Odeh | St. Alexander |
Honors | Eamon | O’Hara | Palos South |
Honors | Grace | O’Keefe | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Morgan | O’Malley | St. Michael |
Honors | Conor | O’Mara | St. Alexander |
Honors | Christian | O’Neal | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Goriola | Onimole | Veterans Memorial |
Honors | Traian | Ormindeanu | Daystar School |
Honors | Vincent | Orshonsky | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Honors | Giovani | Otero | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Jacob | Pacheco | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Leo | Panozzo | Morgan Park Academy |
Honors | Lucas | Panozzo | Morgan Park Academy |
Honors | Noah | Pater | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Conor | Phelan | Highlands Middle School |
Honors | Kyle | Pietrzak | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Isabel | Piper | Palos South |
Honors | Jessie | Polanco | St. Gall |
Honors | Lucas | Polovina | Annunciata |
Honors | Jack | Prendergast | Christ the King |
Honors | Daniel | Prendergast | Orland Jr. High |
Honors | Brenda | Ramirez | St. Nicholas of Tolentine |
Honors | Brendan | Rayl | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Jonathan | Rivera | St. Damian |
Honors | Omar | Rizek | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | Imani | Roberts | St. Bede the Venerable |
Honors | Rickie | Roberts | St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Honors | Lilly | Roche | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Joseph | Rodriguez | St. Christina |
Honors | Ariel | Rodriguez | St. Gerald |
Honors | Kaitlyn | Roney | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Paige | Roney | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Sara | Rooney | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Gabriella | Rosas | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Ryan | Rosenberg | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Gary | Roulo | St. George |
Honors | Isabella | Rubino | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Madison | Runaas | Christ the King |
Honors | Brendan | Rushton | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Elena | Ruzevich | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Luke | Ryan | Queen of Martyrs |
Honors | Abel | Sanchez | St. Jane de Chantal |
Honors | Madison | Sanchez | St. Symphorosa |
Honors | Sierra | Sass | Homer Jr. High |
Honors | Samantha | Scalise | Mark Sheridan Academy |
Honors | Joshua | Schab | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Erin | Schaller | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | William | Schilling | St. Michael |
Honors | Mikayla | Schmitz | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Kathleen | Schoeberl | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Brendan | Schoeberl | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Ashley | Schreader | St. Germaine |
Honors | Richard | Schroeder | St. Gerald |
Honors | Triston | Schultz | Simmons Middle School |
Honors | Lester | Scott | Sutherland |
Honors | Faith | Sears | St. Christopher |
Honors | Cayla | Secor | Central Middle School – Evergreen Park |
Honors | John | Sedlack | Christ the King |
Honors | Luke | Sefcik | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Alexis | Shackelford | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Kelly | Sheehan | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Kaleigh | Sheerin | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Ava | Shelton | St. Gabriel |
Honors | Benjamin | Shields | St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Honors | Cameron | Sinal | Central Middle School |
Honors | Hayden | Sise | Palos South |
Honors | Aidan | Smith | Owen Scholastic Academy |
Honors | Brody | Smith | Christ the King |
Honors | Juliana | Smith | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Areyana | Smith | St. Ethelreda |
Honors | Dermot | Smyth | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Madeline | Sombong | St. Ann |
Honors | Isaac | Soto | St. Gall |
Honors | Laurel | Spatz | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Honors | Lily | Spreitzer | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Logan | Stafford | Cardinal Joseph Bernardin |
Honors | Jacob | Stefanos | Century Jr. High |
Honors | Aniya | Stephens | Colin Powell Middle School |
Honors | Savannah | Stevens | St. Christopher |
Honors | Kelly | Stevens | Independence Jr. High |
Honors | Lillian | Strzykalski | St. Christina |
Honors | Ariana | Suarez | Kolmar |
Honors | Xavier | Sulaiman | Colin Powell Middle School |
Honors | Moira | Sullivan | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Savanah | Sutton | Central Middle School |
Honors | Isabella | Swistowicz | Cassell Elementary |
Honors | Emily | Tarqueno | Hamlin Upper Grade |
Honors | Kennedy | Tate | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Kylee | Tenison | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Jamari | Terrell | St. Ethelreda |
Honors | Ella | Tobar | Bridgeport Catholic Academy |
Honors | Ana | Tobin | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Annie | Topa | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | Emilio | Torres | John F. Eberhart |
Honors | Lauren | Torres | Finley Jr. High |
Honors | Michael | Tribe | Heritage Grove Middle School |
Honors | Sarah | Trice | Frances Xavier Warde |
Honors | Andreas | Tsingos | Koraes |
Honors | Jaclyn | Tucker | St. George |
Honors | Katelyn | Ulanowski | St. Thomas More |
Honors | Ryan | Ulleweit | Orland Jr. High |
Honors | Michael | Usterbowski | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Marissa | Vari | Mark Sheridan Academy |
Honors | Nicholas | Verzoni | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Sara | Wabi | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Jack | Wade | Palos South |
Honors | Francis | Wagner | St. Alexander |
Honors | Thomas | Wagner | St. Alexander |
Honors | Nicole | Wagner | St. Christina |
Honors | Nicholas | Waldrom | Mt. Greenwood |
Honors | Mikayla | Wallace | Calvary Academy |
Honors | John | Walter | St. Michael |
Honors | Timothy | Warr | Barack Obama Learning Academy |
Honors | Ava | Weaver | Oak Lawn Hometown Middle School |
Honors | Kelsey | Weber | Central middle school |
Honors | Sophia | Weeden | St. Barnabas |
Honors | Brianna | Wesselhoff | St. Daniel the Prophet |
Honors | Riley | West | Annie Keller Regional Gifted Academy |
Honors | Andrew | Whelan | St. Michael |
Honors | Trechelle | Williams | St. Ethelreda |
Honors | Sean | Winstead | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Ella | Winters | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Brendan | Wolff | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Thomas | Wollenberg | Most Holy Redeemer |
Honors | James | Yock | St. Michael |
Honors | Mara | Zablocki | St. John Fisher |
Honors | Lauren | Zarris | Noonan Academy |
Honors | Kate | Zeller | St. Cajetan |
Honors | Christian | Zieman | St. Damian |
Honors | Jessica | Ziemann | St. Christina |
Honors | Leah | Zlotkowski | St. Christina |
Honors | Emmaya | Zuniga | St. Mary Star of the Sea |