Marist Endowment
Currently, Marist operates on a balanced budget that provides the necessary resources for a highly competitive academic environment, retention of an excellent faculty, maintaining an impressive 55-acre campus, and integration of a comprehensive student activities program.
Marist also is committed to providing a minimum 6% of its operating budget to its financial aid program. The financial reality of fulfilling this mission in today’s world is staggering. We need your support so students do not have to forfeit attending a Catholic school.
We must grow our endowment to insure a bright future
Ideally, Marist would have an endowment that provides the requisite investment income for our financial aid, and 2-3% more to offset inflation that is having a damaging impact on the middle class families wanting to choose a Catholic high school for their children. Today, more than 62% of our student body is receiving financial aid.