Academic Olympics
8th Grade Academic Olympics
Marist High School is excited to welcome teams of local eighth grade students to an interactive, fun, and challenging day of academic trials. Students will work together to solve problems, find solutions, and channel creativity. This is not your average event! Teams will move throughout the school and participate in hands-on tasks in math, science, art, pop culture, and history.
Event Details:
- Teams of four to five students from a school are invited to register online by November 15 (please register as a whole team)
- We ask that only one team per school register initially
- Second teams may join if space allows after 11/1
- An adult coach-a parent or teacher-is welcome to attend the day, but is not required
- Students should wear a shirt/sweatshirt from their school, and jeans are acceptable
Academic Olympics Itinerary-Saturday, November 20, 2021
- 8:30-9:00AM Team Check-in/Donuts/Welcome
- 9:00-11:00AM Teams rotate through 5 rounds of challenges
- 11:00AM-12:00PM Lunch and Awards
All participating students will receive a certificate and shirt. Awards for the top three teams
overall and in each category will be distributed. Marist’s dedicated teachers and students will
be on hand to oversee the events and welcome students to our campus.
Registration for the 8th Grade Academic Olympics is now closed. If you would like to inquire about available space, please contact Admissions.